4 Reasons You Should Choose a Dental Professional for Denture Repair

Denture Adjustments and Repairs Chicago, IL

Dentures that sustain cracks, fractures or other problems over time eventually need to undergo denture repair. While a great option for replacing missing teeth and restoring a person’s ability to eat and bite, these dental appliances can create more issues than they solve if improperly fitted. Dentures need to be thoroughly cared for if a person does not want to replace them frequently. Here are the basics of denture complications and reasons why seeing a professional is the right option for fixing dentures.

Why dentures may need repairing

Whether a person has partial or full dentures, it is essential that the appliances fit snuggly and that teeth are aligned properly. If anything is out of order, more severe issues that appear later may mean replacing the dentures altogether.


Dentures that become misaligned may cause teeth to grind together in the wrong places. Pressure built up in these areas can cause the dentures to crack or break completely.

Loose fittings

Dentures that are too loose may fall out of a person’s mouth when talking or eating. Chewing and biting can become more difficult, making daily functions a challenge. The improper bite may eventually cause more teeth to become misaligned.

Impacts or drops

Impacts on hard surfaces can dislodge teeth and break dentures. Check dentures carefully after a fall on the floor, as they may need to be repaired.

Reasons to see a professional

Kits are available for people to fix dentures at home, but these are not always the most successful options. Here are four reasons to see a professional instead.

1. Fixing denture at home may cause more damage

Using a home-kit can sometimes do more harm than good when it comes to repairing dentures. Fiddling with or bending any metal attachments may cause damage that cannot be undone. Any issues that are not visible on the outside, such as internal fractures made by a slight misalignment, may not be fixed by do-it-yourself kits and may only delay more damage rather than fully mend it.

2. A professional can provide insight

Dental professionals have likely seen the problem and know how to repair dentures to ensure lasting results. Dentists may also be able to tell if misalignment or unintentional pressure in an area is creating discomfort or wearing down teeth. Ask for advice on how to properly care for the dentures so the problem does not occur again.

3. Oral health can be improved

If health appears to be declining, a professional can pinpoint the problem and advise the patient on better oral hygiene practices. Dentists can check for whether the dentures are rubbing against gums and causing inflammation and pain.

4. Comfort comes first

Any discomfort a patient feels in the mouth may mean denture repair is required. Making sure that dentures are both functional and comfortable is one of a dental professional’s main goals, and they will work with a patient to readjust the dentures until correctly fitted.


Though a necessity of life for many people, dentures should not need to be painful or a burden. Seeking denture repair with a professional may help alleviate problems and keep dentures in good shape for years to come.

Are you considering denture repair in the Chicago area? Get more information at https://www.alluredentalchicago.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Denture Adjustments and Repairs in Chicago, IL.

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